Currículum vitae
Teaching experience:
- Title of the course: «Musical body rhythmics in the recovery and development of movement – Tubía method».
Type of teaching and field: training course in the Tubía method for blind physiotherapy students and blind graduate physiotherapists.
Organised by: Maite Tubía and the collaboration of the University School of Physiotherapy of the ONCE in Madrid.
Aimed at: blind physiotherapists (students and graduates).
Place: ONCE University School of Physiotherapy in Madrid.
Date: October, November and December 2021
Time: 30 hours.
- Title of the course: «Rhythmic movement in acquired brain injury».
Type of teaching and field: training course in musical body rhythmics movement of the Tubía method for physiotherapists employed by the Principality of Asturias.
Organised by: IAAP (Asturian Institute of Public Administration for the training of public employees of the Autonomous Administration).
Aimed at: physiotherapists.
Place: online course from Madrid
Date: November 2021
Time: 20 hours.
- Title of the course: «Musical body rhythmics of the Tubía method».
Type of course and field: module of the postgraduate course: Advanced programme in music therapy.
Organised by: Katarina Gurska Conservatory of Music in Madrid.
Aimed at: students of the advanced music therapy course.
Place: Madrid
Date: March 2015
Time: 8 hours (credits within the total credits of the one-year course: Advanced Music Therapy Programme).
- Title of the course: Music therapy: Musical body rhythmics of the Tubía method.
Type of course and field: postgraduate course.
Organised by: University School of Nursing of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Aimed at: 3rd year nursing students
Place: Leioa-Bizkaia: Leioa-Bizkaia. University School of Nursing of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Date: November 2011
Time: 24 hours
Credits: 2 credits
- Title of the course: Musical rhythm and recovery of movement: Tubía method.
Type of course and field: Summer courses of the Universities of Navarre 2011.
Organised by: Summer courses of the Universities of Navarre 2011 organised by the Public University of Navarre. (School of Physiotherapy of the UPNA)
Aimed at: physiotherapy students and health and special education professionals.
Place: Pamplona. Public University of Navarra
Date: June 2011
Time: 32 hours
Credits: 2 credits
- Title of the course: Music therapy: Musical body rhythmics of the Tubía method.
Type of course and field: postgraduate course.
Organised by: University School of Nursing of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Aimed at: 3rd year nursing students
Place: Leioa-Bizkaia. University School of Nursing of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Date: May 2011
Time: 24 hours
Credits: 2 credits
- Title of the course: Music Therapy: Musical Body Rhythmics of the Tubía Method.
Type of course and field: postgraduate course.
Organised by: University School of Nursing of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Aimed at: 3rd year nursing students
Place: Leioa-Bizkaia. School of Nursing of the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU
Date: November 2009
Time: 24 hours
Credits: 2 credits
- Title of the course: Musical rhythm in the recovery of movement: Tubía method.
Type of course and field: continuous training course for professionals.
Organised by: Francisco Esteve special education centre in Paterna (Valencia).
Aimed at: the centre’s staff (physiotherapists, psychologists, speech therapists, special education teachers).
Place: Patronato Intermunicipal Francisco Esteve de Paterna (Valencia)
Date: May 2008
Time: 10 hours
- Title of the course: Tubía method of movement rehabilitation.
Type of course and field: Master’s Degree in Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Organised by: Master’s Degree in Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Aimed at: students of the Postgraduate Course «Expert in Practical Music Therapy», within the Master’s Degree in Music Therapy.
Place: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
Date: 2008-2009 academic year. May 2009
Time: 8 hours
Credits: credits within the total of 70 credits of the Master’s degree.
- Course title: The Tubía Method of movement recovery.
Type of course and field: Master in Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Organised by: Master’s Degree in Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Aimed at: students of the Postgraduate Course «Expert in Practical Music Therapy», within the Master’s Degree in Music Therapy.
Place: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
Date: 2007-2008 academic year. March 2008
Time: 4 hours
Credits: credits within the total of 70 credits of the Master’s programme.
- Course title: The Tubía Method of movement recovery.
Type of course and field: Master in Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Organised by: Master’s Degree in Music Therapy at the University of Alcalá de Henares.
Aimed at: students of the Postgraduate Course «Expert in Practical Music Therapy», within the Master’s Degree in Music Therapy.
Place: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
Date: academic year 2006-2007. March 2007
Time: 4 hours
Credits: credits within the total of 70 credits of the Master’s course.
- Course title: Music Therapy: The Tubía Method applied to people with disorders of neurological origin.
Type of course and field: Meeting of the Spanish Association of Music Therapy (A.E.M.T.) with teachers and students of the University of Seisen (Japan).
Organised by: the Spanish Association of Music Therapy and the University of Seisen (Japan).
Aimed at: teachers and students of the University of Seisen (Japan).
Place: Residence for the Elderly of the Community of Madrid in Getafe (Madrid)
Date: September 2006
Duration: 4 hours
- Course title: Musical rhythm. Music therapy in neurological disorders
Type of course and field: Atlantis Music Therapy Meetings 2006)
Organised by: Mayeusis Foundation
Aimed at: students who passed the Mayeusis Foundation’s music therapy monitor training course and professionals from the health sciences, education and social services.
Place: Fundación Mayeusis (Vigo-Pontevedra)
Date: July 2006
Time: 7 hours
- Title of the course: «Music therapy in neurological disorders: Tubía method».
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees of the IMSERSO Internal Training Plan 2004.
Organised by: Training and Selection Service of the IMSERSO (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)
Aimed at: doctors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists and social workers from the C.E.A.D.A.C. (State Center for Treating of Acquired Brain Injury) and Residential Centres of the IMSERSO throughout Spain.
Place: C.E.A.D.A.C of Madrid
Date: March-April 2004
Time: 20 hours
- Title of the course: «Music therapy in neurological disorders: Tubía method».
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees of the IMSERSO Internal Training Plan 2004.
Organised by: Training and Selection Service of the IMSERSO (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs)
Aimed at: doctors, physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists and social workers from the C.E.A.D.A.C. (State Center for the Care of Acquired Brain Injury) in Madrid.
Place: C.E.A.D.A.C of Madrid
Date: April 2005
Time: 20 hours
- Title of the course: «Music therapy techniques» Tubía method.
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees corresponding to the General Training Plan of the Community of Madrid 2002.
Organised by: Foro IMEP de Formación y Ediciones de Madrid S.L.
Aimed at: physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, special education teachers and clinical assistants public employees by the Community of Madrid.
Place: Madrid
Date: January 2003
Time: 30 hours
- Title of the course: «Music therapy techniques» Tubía method.
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees corresponding to the General Training Plan of the Community of Madrid 2002.
Organised by: Foro IMEP de Formación y Ediciones de Madrid S.L.
Aimed at: physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, special education teachers and clinical assistants public employees by the Community of Madrid.
Place: Madrid
Date: June 2003
Time: 30 hours
- Course title: «Music Therapy Techniques» Tubía Method
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees corresponding to the General Training Plan of the Community of Madrid 2002.
Organised by: Foro IMEP de Formación y Ediciones de Madrid S.L.
Aimed at: physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, special education teachers and clinical assistants public employees by the Community of Madrid.
Place: Madrid
Date: october 2003
Time: 30 hours
19. Course title: «Music Therapy Techniques» Tubía Method
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees corresponding to the General Training Plan of the Community of Madrid 2002.
Organised by: Foro IMEP de Formación y Ediciones de Madrid S.L.
Aimed at: physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, special education teachers and clinical assistants public employees by the Community of Madrid.
Place: Madrid
Date: April-May 2004
Time: 30 hours
- Title of the course: «Music as a globalising element in nursery schools».
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees corresponding to the General Training Plan of the Community of Madrid 2004.
Organised by: Foro IMEP de Formación y Ediciones de Madrid S.L.
Aimed at: early childhood education and special education teachers employed by the Community of Madrid
Place: Madrid
Date: June 2004
Time: 30 hours
- Course title: «Music Therapy Techniques» Tubía Method
Type of course and field: training activity for public employees corresponding to the General Training Plan of the Community of Madrid 2002.
Organised by: Foro IMEP de Formación y Ediciones de Madrid S.L.
Aimed at: physiotherapists, speech therapists, qualified nurses, occupational therapists, social workers, special education teachers and clinical assistants public employees by the Community of Madrid.
Place: Madrid
Date: December 2005
Time: 30 hours
- Title of the course: «Rhythm in the recovery of movement: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: module of the postgraduate course «University Specialist in Music Therapy», academic year 2004/2005.
Organised by: Catholic University of San Antonio (Murcia)
Aimed at: students of the postgraduate course «University Specialist in Music Therapy».
Place: Murcia
Date: April 2005
Time: 16.5 hours. Course load: 1.6 credits
- Title of the course: «Musical Rhythm in the recovery of movement: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: module of the postgraduate course «Master in Music Therapy».
Organised by: the Galician Institute of Music Therapy and the Mayeusis Foundation.
Aimed at: students of the postgraduate course «Master in Music Therapy».
Place: Vigo (Pontevedra)
Date: 2001
Time: 12 hours. Course load: ¿? Credits
- Title of the course: «Musical rhythm in the recovery of movement: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: lecture and practical workshop at the Conference on Music Therapy and Art Therapy in Neurodegenerative Diseases.
Organised by: La Caixa Foundation
Aimed at: health and special education professionals.
Place: Barcelona
Date: 2000
Time: 4 hours. Course load: ¿? Credits
- Title of the course: «Music therapy: Musical rhythm in the recovery of movement: Tubía method for the recovery of movement in neurological injuries».
Type of teaching and field: training course for nursing graduates registered with the College of Nursing Graduates of Bizkaia.
Organised by: Bizkaia College of Nursing Graduates
Aimed at: nursing graduates
Place: Bilbao (Bizkaia)
Date: March 2000
Time: 20 hours.
- Title of the course: «Music Therapy and Movement».
Type of teaching and field: module of the University of Almeria’s own teaching course «Complementary Care in Nursing».
Organised by: Department of Nursing, University of Almeria.
Aimed at: nursing professionals and nursing diploma students.
Place: University of Almeria
Date: July 1999
Time: 5 hours.
- Title of the course: «Music therapy in movement disorders: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: module of the course of the University of Alcalá de Henares «Music and Medicine II: Music Therapy Applications» (co-financed by the European Social Fund).
Organised by: University of Alcalá de Henares
Aimed at: health and special education professionals, students of the course «Music and Medicine II: Applications of Music Therapy». Academic year 1999/2000
Place: University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).
Date: September 1999
Time: 15 hours (credits within the 15 total credits of the course «Music and Medicine II: Music Therapy Applications»).
- Title of the course: «Musical Rhythm in the Recovery of Movement: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: subject in module 4 of the University of Alcalá de Henares’ own teaching course «Music and Medicine. Fundamentals of Music Therapy» (co-financed by the European Social Fund).
Organised by: University of Alcalá de Henares
Aimed at: health and special education professionals, students of the University of Alcalá de Henares’ own teaching course «Music and Medicine. Fundamentals of Music Therapy. Academic year 1998/1999
Place: University of Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)
Date: September 1998
Time: 2 hours (Credits within the 12 total credits of the course «Music and Medicine. Fundamentals of Music Therapy».
- Title of the course: «Music therapy in movement disorders: Tubía method».
Type of course and field: training course for health and special education professionals in a private centre.
Organised by: Dynamic Centre of Psychoanalytical Orientation
Aimed at: health and special education professionals.
Place: Murcia
Date: 1998
Time: 12 hours
- Title of the course: «Music therapy in movement disorders: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: speaker of theoretical-practical classes of the Summer Course of the University of Almeria: 1st Summer School of Music Therapy.
Organised by: University of Almeria and the Spanish Association of Music Therapy.
Aimed at: health and special education professionals, students of the 1st Summer School of Music Therapy of the University of Almeria.
Place: Padules (Almería)
Date: July 1998
Time: 9 hours (credits within the 3 total credits of the Summer Course 1st Summer School of Music Therapy of the University of Almeria of 30 hours).
- Title of the course: «Musical Rhythm in the Recovery of Movement: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: module of the Postgraduate Music Therapy Training Course. Lecturer of theoretical-practical classes (duration of the course: two school years).
Organised by: Centro de Musicoterapia de Bilbao/ Bilbao Music Therapy Centre (Member of the World Federation of Music Therapy).
Aimed at: students in the 1st year of the Postgraduate Music Therapy Training Course (university graduates and diploma holders and health and education professionals).
Place: Bilbao
Date: 1999
Time: 12 hours (credits within the total credits of the two-year postgraduate course in Music Therapy Training).
- Course title: «Musical Rhythm in the Recovery of Movement: Tubía Method».
Type of teaching and field: module of the Postgraduate Music Therapy Training Course. Lecturer of theoretical-practical classes (duration of the course: two school years).
Organised by: Centro de Musicoterapia de Bilbao/Bilbao Music Therapy Centre (Member of the World Federation of Music Therapy).
Aimed at: students in the 2nd year of the Postgraduate Music Therapy Training Course (university graduates and diploma holders and health and education professionals).
Place: Bilbao
Date: 1998
Time: 12 hours (credits within the total credits of the two-year postgraduate course in Music Therapy Training).
Contributions presented at conferences of scientific relevance:
1. Type of participation: speaker (oral communication 20 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion).
Congress: V International MusicMedicine Symposium- ISMM. The University of Texas Health Science Center (San Antonio-Texas-USA, 1994).
Character of the congress: international
Title of the paper (lecture): «Qualitative aspects of a music therapy programme for people with Parkinson’s disease».
Place: The University of Texas Health Science Center (San Antonio-Texas-USA).
Year: 1994. March.
2. Type of participation: speaker (oral communication 20 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion)
Congress: 4th Cuban Congress and Ibero-Latin American Workshop on Clinical Neurophysiology (Varadero-Cuba 2008) Abstract published in the on line journal Clinical Neurophysiology (February 2008)
Character of the congress: international
Title of the paper: «Movement recovery in bad prognostic cerebral infarct with the Tubía Method».
Place: Varadero-Cuba
Year: 2008. March
Abstract published in the online journal Clinical Neurophysiology together with all the abstracts of the congress (February 2008)
The Cuban Society of Clinical Neurophysiology and the International Society of Bioelectromagnetism
Clinical Neurophysiology ISSN: 1388-2457 ed: Elsevier. V.119 fasc.9 p.109 – 110 ,2008
Clinical Neurophysiology: Special Issues Ed Elsevier. Volume 119, Supplement 2 (2008)
Abstracts of the 5th Latin American Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology.
3. Type of participation: speaker (oral communication 20 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion) and two practical workshops (one hour and a half each).
Congress: 1st National Congress on Music and Medicine
Character of the congress: national
Title of the paper: «The Tubía Method: music therapy in movement disorders».
Title of the workshops: «Rhythm and movement in the Tubía method».
Place: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alcalá de Henares (Alcalá de Henares-Madrid) Spain.
Year: 2004
4. Type of participation: speaker (oral communication 20 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion)
Congress: XV Congress of the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology
Nature of the congress: national
Title of the paper: «Experiences in geriatrics through musical rhythm».
Place: Vigo (Pontevedra) Spain
Year: 2003
5. Type of participation: speaker (oral communication 20 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion) and practical workshop (one hour and a half).
Title of the paper: «Musical rhythm in the recovery of movement – Tubía Method».
Conference: Mediterranean Music Therapy Conference. Music therapy in geriatrics. Prevention and treatment
Nature of the congress: national
Place: Universidad Católica de San Antonio- Murcia. Spain.
Year: 2005
6. Type of participation: Practical workshop
Title of the workshop: «Music therapy in Alzheimer’s disease».
Congress: 1st Galician Congress on Alzheimer’s and other dementias in today’s society. Organised by the Association of relatives of Alzheimer’s patients and other dementias of Lugo and the Xunta de Galicia.
Nature of the congress: national
Place: Trade Fair and Congress Centre – Lugo. Spain.
Year: 2007
Other communications-contributions presented at conferences, seminars or other types of meetings of scientific relevance:
7. Type of participation: speaker
Title of the paper: «Tubía method of movement rehabilitation: application in cerebral infarction and Parkinson’s disease».
Event: Meeting Seminar of the Spanish Association of Music Therapy (A.E.M.T.) with professionals and students of Music Therapy of the University of Seisen (Japan).
Character of the event: international Spain-Japan
Place: Madrid. Spain.
Year: 2006
8. Type of participation: two practical workshops
Title of the workshop: «Musical body rhythmics of the Tubía method”
Event: 2nd Inter-University Conference of the University of Alcalá de Henares and the U.N.E.D. (National University of Distance Education) dedicated to «Complementary Therapies in Health Sciences».
Nature of the event: national
Place: Faculty of Medicine of the University of Alcalá de Henares. Spain.
Year: 2009
9. Type of participation: speaker at round table on: «Therapeutic experiences with people with severe disability and dependence».
Title of the paper: «Application of music therapy in patients with brain injury: Tubía Method».
Event: 2nd technical training sessions for the care of people with severe disabilities and for the promotion of personal autonomy and care for dependency. Organised by the State Reference Centre for Disability and Dependency Care of the Imserso (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) San Andrés de Rabanedo (León)
Character of the event: national
Place: Centre for Disability and Dependency Care of the Imserso (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) San Andrés de Rabanedo (León) Spain.
Year: 2009